
Best Response

Student Number

A student number is a seven-digit number that is created at the time your record at Fanshawe is created. Student numbers can also be called student ID or Customer Number (on receipts).
Records are created when applications and registrations are received, for full time or part time registration in Post Secondary programs, Apprentice programs, English Second Language programs and Continuing Education courses. You will find the student number on all papers and most emails that are sent to applicants and students. 
Once you've obtained a student number, you should have the same student number forever, with the exceptions of changes to the College computer system. Prior to the purchase of the new computer system in 1994, the student numbers were nine digits.
If you don't know your student number, but would like to find out, please call the Office of the Registrar at 519-452-4277.  This information is not released through email and is only released to the student/applicant due to the Freedom of Information Policy.

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